Frequently Asked Questions

What is Virtual Therapy?

Virtual therapy is a type of therapy that is conducted on a HIPPA compliant platform. The platform used allows for the therapist and client to communicate virtually through video sessions.

Why Choose Virtual Therapy?

Virtual therapy is not only a good alternative to in-person therapy, but it also offers convenience and comfort. The client can have sessions anywhere they have an internet connection and privacy. Virtual sessions can occur in one’s home, at a park, in a quiet bistro (if private), or wherever the client feels comfortable.

Will My Insurance Cover Sessions?

At this time, insurance is not accepted; however, you will receive a Super Bill, per your request, to submit to your insurance company for an out-of-network fee reimbursement.

Stay tuned for updates on when insurance will be accepted.

What if I Need Therapy Now and There is a Waitlist?

Sometimes there are waitlists due to the demand for therapy services. There are resources available for those who seek therapy services immediately. Please refer to the Resource and Referral page.